Saturday, July 30, 2011

Clueless and Ageless

It's eerie that the stars of Clueless have barely aged so I created this!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Twisted #AMC Theory

Tad and Dixie will reunite….
…then Zach and Kendall will reunite…
… and David reveals Griffin and Cara are part of the Orpheus project and are NOT brother and sister, they fall in love and live happy ever after or…
Zach and Dixie fall in love leaving Tad with Cara and Kendall with Griffin!
I am just kidding, but it would be deliciously soapy! LOL

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

#OLTL Ben and Viki, Eternal Love

It is too bad OLTL would not unkill Ben for Viki, though I think they will be going for a Viki and Clint reunion!

Why I want #OLTL’s Destiny to be Pregnant (UPDATED)

Since Matt and Destiny had sex I’ve stated I want Bo and Nora to have a piece of Matt so much that I want Destiny to be pregnant. If Destiny is pregnant Bo and Nora will have a grandchild that is Matt’s child! There is even more to the reason I want Destiny to be pregnant!
If Matthew lives I also think a teen pregnancy storyline with Destiny pregnant could be a great way for Destiny to better understand why she was given up to her paternal grand parents at birth! The way this would work would be Destiny would have the baby and give it up for adoption. You must have figured out where I am going with this! An open adoption where Destiny would give her and Matt’s baby to Bo and Nora to raise since she feels she is too young to raise a child.This might show her the other side of the reason she was adopted out!
With the impending demise of One Live To Live there is not enough time for Bo and Nora to have grandchildren and this would allow them to have one!
*Will umbilical stem cells from Matt's and Destiny's baby be used to somehow save his life
*Update: July, 7th, 2011 3:38 AST

#AMC’s Vincent Irizarry, Aging Very Well!

Vincent Irizarry aka David Hayward on All My Children
Isn’t it annoying that men can age this well!

Monday, July 04, 2011

#AMC’s Noah and Julia

One of my favourite All My Children couples!

Jax Protected Jerry So All Arguments Are INVALID! #GH

The History Of The Soap Opera

The daytime drama series - otherwise known to many as the soap opera - has been called a dying breed. Many argue that there might not be much of a future for the entire soap opera genre. Indeed, television ratings for soaps are down as the number of people are home during the day continues to drop. (Television ratings only count the number of viewers who are home and watching when the program airs “live” and ratings do not count anyone who uses a VCR or TiVo to record a program.) Add to that new programming choices presented by dozens of new cable channels, and there is some reason to worry about the soaps. Decreased ratings have caused networks to slash budgets. Many wonder how the soaps, which at one-time had in excess of 30 million viewers tuning in regularly, have gotten into such a precarious situation. Before one can truly understand the perils facing the daytime drama format, it helps to know a little bit about how the soap opera grew into what it is today.

Long before the days of television, serialized radio dramas ruled the airwaves. The radio programs were commercially sponsored by the manufacturers of household cleaning products - hence the use of the word “soap” in soap opera. The term “opera” refers to any form of elaborate dramatic entertainment, not necessarily one set to music.

By 1940, approximately 90% of all sponsored daytime radio programming fell into the soap opera genre. Even today, soap operas remain the most enduring and effective form of broadcast advertising vehicle. The advertising industry publication Advertising Age named “the birth of the daytime soap opera” as the 29th most important milestone in the history of advertising.

With the advent of television, the radio audience began to slowly dwindle. At the time, many downplayed the significance of television. In 1931, there were just 40,000 households with a television in the United States. However, advertisers embraced the new media outlet and, in time, soap operas migrated from radio to television. There was even a period of time when some soap operas aired on both radio and television. The last of the network radio soap operas went off the air in November 1960.
The first so-called television soap opera debuted way back in 1946. Faraway Hill, which aired Wednesday nights on the DuMont Network, is considered by television historians to be the first network soap opera. It took three more years before the soaps found a home in the daytime hours. In 1949, These Are My Children debuted on NBC. The 15-minute show aired live and was the first continuing daytime drama.
On June 30th, 1952, soap giant Procter & Gamble introduced The Guiding Light on the CBS network. The soap opera had aired on radio since 1937. Now minus the “The” from its title, Guiding Light is the longest running serial program in television history.

Between 1940 and 1970, soap operas enjoyed a large and stable viewing audience. The core viewers of the soap opera were what advertisers came to call “housewives,” a term used to describe married women who remained home to take care of children. Soaps surged in popularity in the 1980s due, in part, to heavily-publicized romances, such as Luke and Laura’s wedding on ABC’s General Hospital. More than 30 million viewers tuned into the Spencers’ wedding, making it the most-watched show in the history of daytime television.

But by the time the 1980s started to wind down, television ratings for soap operas started to decline. Gone were the days when women were supposedly duty-bound to remain home and take care of the house and kids; it was becoming necessary in many households to have two sources of income.

Soap operas became something of an addiction for millions of television viewers. The weekend couldn’t end fast enough for many fans as they waited for Monday’s shows to reveal what would happen following the now-infamous Friday Cliffhangers. And while soap opera addiction many not be anything nearly as serious as an alcohol or drug dependency, the way to wean people from the addictions is very much the same: cold turkey. While it is the subject of debate among many industry experts, many credit the OJ Simpson trial for starting the steep downward slide that soaps are seeing in their ratings. For weeks on end, soap fans were unable to watch their favorite programs as the three major networks - ABC, CBS and NBC - broadcast wall-to-wall coverage of the Simpson trial. There was no longer an option for soap fans to see their missed episodes at a later date or time; they were forced to go without them for weeks and weeks… and weeks. This was the first time that many soap fans were unable to visit their “television families.” Initially, fans flooded the networks with complaints, but as the separation anxiety started to lessen many fans found other things to do or other programs to watch. A real life soap opera had supplanted many loyal viewers from their second homes. And while industry experts warned the networks that taking soaps away from their loyal viewers was going to result in trouble for the networks, most networks either refused to believe that the soap fans would tune out for good… or they just didn’t care. This was not the first time that the networks’ opinions were misguided.

Article found via

The last paragraph of this article is even more relevant now.

Chad & Will, A Funny Thing I Noticed! (Resemblances)

I noticed that Chad looks like young Will?
I also notice Will looks very much like Susan