Thursday, November 24, 2011

AMC and OLTL : Death Of An Era or Conspiracy?

Watch out, my little conspiracy theory brain is about to rear it’s ugly head again.
Yesterday upon the news of Prospect Park ditching the efforts to revive All My Children and One Life To Live via the web, I decided to do a little research. I noticed Prospect Park production company was co-founded by Richard H. Frank, a former Disney Studios executive. When I read this it lead me to wondering if ABC only “sold” All My Children and One Life To Live as a way to get the heat off of them and to divert the attention elsewhere. I also wonder if possibly ABC paid Prospect Park to take the shows and the heat for the ultimate cancellation?
I have to admit at first I thought Prospect Park may be a dummy corporation though I do noticed they are involved in the production of a couple legit shows. I have yet to find any official website for Prospect Park which still leads me to wonder if ABC has some sort of ownership? This theory is a little bit out there but you have to admit it does seem plausible!
You can quote me on this, I have a feeling General Hospital will not be around by this time next year!